Rush Schedule
5:30-7:30 PM | Dorm Courts
Casual Attire
7:30-10:00 PM | BK404
Business Professional Attire
7:30-10:00 PM | BK404
Business Professional Attire
7:30-10:00 PM | BK404
Business Professional Attire
7:30 – 10:00 PM | BK404
Casual Attire (Blue, Gold, White)
Invitation Only
Business Professional Attire
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Frequently Asked Questions
Sunday and Thursday are casual, while the rest of rush week is business professional. If you need some clothes to borrow, we can help you. Please do not feel the need to buy new clothes in rush. We are here to support you if you need it!
Please follow these guidelines for business professional attire:
Masculine Wear: Ties, collared shirts, suit jackets, slacks, high socks, matching dress shoes (wingtips are acceptable) and belt. Please refrain from wearing: denim, suede shoes, or any suit jackets in colors that are not interview appropriate.
Feminine Wear: Solid colored blazers, skirts or pantsuits, interview appropriate accessories, heels (shorter than 4 inches). Please refrain from wearing: open toed shoes or wedges, open back shirts, or boots.
We accept all majors! Alpha Kappa Psi recognizes the universal nature of business and is open to a wide variety of academic interests. We are home to Health Science, Graphic Design, Economics, Theater majors, and more.
Although these rush events are not mandatory, we highly encourage you to go to as many as you can to get more exposure to the chapter and make those strong connections. These events provide opportunities for you to learn about Alpha Kappa Psi and interact with active brothers, as well as allowing actives to learn about you.
If you cannot make an event, please email with the event you will be missing as well as the reason for your absence.
Try your best to avoid being that “star rushee”. When you start putting yourself in that mindset, you blend in with the rest of the crowd. To stand out, be yourself. Tell us what you love to do and form genuine connections. We want to get to know all of you as much as you want to know us!
Contact our VP of Membership at
A message from the vice president of membership

Hello rushes, and welcome to Alpha Kappa Psi!
My name is Ashley Yoon, and I am this year’s Vice President of Membership. I am part of the Alpha Pi pledge class and had the great opportunity of rushing my freshman fall. This organization has taught me invaluable personal and professional skills that I will continue to use post graduation. I have met incredible individuals who have not only mentored me and showed me the meaning and importance of professionalism, but transformed me into a person I did not think was possible.
If you want to unlock your potential and become someone who consistently presents their best self, Alpha Kappa Psi is the place for you. If the concept of greek life or even thinking about where to start when building your resume is daunting to you, it’s important to realize that you are not alone. I was once in a place where I was afraid to take the first step into organizing my own life and kickstarting my career. I was unsure if I chose the right major, and sometimes unsure if I chose the right school. But after speaking with members of the fraternity, I took the chance of embracing the unknown and decided to come out to rush. I never considered joining greek life, let alone an organization that forced me to exit my shell of comfortability. But trust me when I tell you, it was the best decision of my college career.
In the one week of rush, I learned more about professionalism and how to approach my career than I ever did in high school. I learned how to expertly craft a resume, dress professionally, stand out in interviews, create and perfect an elevator pitch, and relearn how to do something that is so simple but so overlooked: how to talk to people. The power of learning how to converse is the number one thing I will take past the point of college.
Regardless of your major, race, age, sexuality, or anything: Alpha Kappa Psi is your place. We welcome all individuals to come create a lifetime learning experience while also creating bonds that will last more than a century. Our tight-knit brotherhood will allow you to create more than a community on campus — you will feel a place where you belong and a place where you have a family.
Be yourself, as your own personality shines through more than any of your accomplishments. Take the chance and come out to rush — but if you’re feeling anything but confident in this opportunity, email me at I wish you the best of luck!
Ashley Yoon
Vice President of Membership